of jays and lace…

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life. – Matthew 6.25
He’s actually a rather insouciant savior now
don’t you think? I mean instructing us not to
worry about tomorrow, pointing to bluejays
and queen anne’s lace as examples of how to
live, all the while leisurely strolling up and
down like some farmer in furrowed fields 
with the undeterred walk of authority, as if
the land belonged to him? Surely he knows
only fools refuse to consult the forecast, why
who in their right mind would want to step
out the next morning underdressed, or still
unsure which restaurant is best for lunch?
Jesus’ robust appetite for living a spoonful
at a time mirrors the careless indifference
of boys brandishing crossed-fingers that
dad will be there when you need him, plus
there’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry,
which is the same thing as saying all these
things shall be added unto you if you’ll 
propitiate the god of faith and hope and 
love, and the most ardent of these is faith.

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