To Publish

Yes, but what is the felt need?
Ah, a sorcerer’s question, a mirror meant to give
the illusion of clarity when by design it only confuses.
The scrambler then spoke to the room of players:
In Spain, there is a place in the ring where the wounded
bull goes to renew his strength, to ready himself for a fresh
charge, a place to stand at full strength – querencia.
There is no other felt need, never has been.
In those seconds the merchant’s clock stopped, causing
everything to be a bit behind schedule. Time would
soon reset itself, as it always does, but for a moment
the veil unraveled and they saw one another for what
we are – children trying to find our way home.

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  1. Rich on December 3, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    This touched me in a very deep place.

  2. Ann Kroeker on December 3, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Yes, that’s mine, whenever I read.

  3. Diana Trautwein on December 3, 2012 at 6:03 pm

    And you are quite the scrambler, John. That’s why we love you so. Would that the veil could stay permanently unraveled, but alas, we children like to play dress-up, don’t we?

  4. What is the Felt Need? « Listening for Joy on December 6, 2012 at 2:48 pm

    […] I read a disturbing piece of writing by John Blase in  To Publish […]

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