Hi. My name is John Blase.
Most credos I’ve read start with the words I/we believe. I won’t do that, or maybe better put, I can’t do that.
My credo, if it can even be called such a thing, rides piggyback on the slithering black curved back of the lovely question mark.
I don’t have many answers, but I do have questions…
Why is it that my father raised me on a diet of the King James Bible and western movies that, as it turned out, was magically delicious?
Why is it that I live out West and love out West but I’ll always be from the South?
Why am I most at ease in those in-between moments of dusk?
Why am I a storyteller who, unlike a historian, must follow the trail of compassion wherever it leadeth?
Why do I not equate talking with thinking?
Why do I try to not run yellow lights, ever?
Why do I prefer the words melancholy to organized and ache to closure?
Why do I put all my eggs in the basket of grace, a grace that if its grace at all will one day drive me to my glass-clearly-knees as I whisper simply amazing?
Why do I cry every time, every blessed time, when Linus says lights, please and gives his that’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown speech?
Why do I feel in the very marrow of my bones that contrary to wildly successful first lines, it actually is about you…and me?
John…could you please drop me a note at rupzip at
David Rupert
The High Calling
most humbling and moving writer bio I’ve read. love your description “slithering black curved back of the lovely question mark.”
I wish I could say I don’t run yellow lights. But I DO prefer melancholy and ache to organized and closure. And I most definitely cry every time I hear Linus’ speech.
I’ve said it before…LOVE your writing.
I agree. That makes a change. All the best John.
Life is about you and me…
John, Read your Straight Ahead article this AM in Our Daily Bread. Read your Bio and love your train of thought. Artie
Yes I agree with your thinking too. Grace is what its all about for you and me and God so loved the world because He is so big and so wonderful and nobody but Jesus could have shown that better than when He loved us so much when He gave everything He had to give for us on the cross.
Sir, you are new to me but thankful to find you. We have “friends” in common and the only thing that holds this old bird together is God’s grace which I was very very late to come to in my Christian life. But it continues to be the comfort in my daily struggle. Thanks for maintaining your site and I look forward to your book with Brennan Manning whose Ragamuffin Gospel blessed me many years ago. I am interested in knowing the move from Dirty Shame to your present blog.
I left a comment for you on your post, “Missing the Meatness,” but I think it may have gone to spam. I have been a paraplegic for 45 years and found your insight deeply touching. Few realize what it’s really like “to be led where you do not want to go.”
Such courage and I love the line “led where we don’t wish to go”
God bless you
As one who has suffered long (40years)
I understand a bit of what you speak
Can you give me the name of the the ministry helping the entrepreneurial minded women? I’d like to support it.
Sure thing. is the organization.
Thanks for asking!
Hi John:
Could you please drop me an email at ray dot hollenbach at I’m an editor for and I’d like to ask permission to re-post one of your pieces. Thanks!
My first time here. Just stumbled on your site. I love what you said here. My thoughts exactly.
Keep writing.
I’m thinkin’ you’re Irish also?
“Why do I prefer the words melancholy to organized and ache to closure?”
Just found you on Ann Voscamp’s blog by a link she had….oh my goodness sir. I write poetry too but I have to tell you, yours takes my breath away…..bless the Lord for this gift and may you keep breathing words to a dying world. R. Shreve
Is it too late to request a poem from a photo for Christmas? Please email me a tthornburgh at cox dot net. Thanks!
I am late in discovering John Blase, but discover I have – and have spent much of the morn reading – and weak with knowing. Whew. I believe in your search for tenderness you would appreciate (youtube) Ben Kyle’s ‘Mercy’. You, Mr. Blase, are a gift.
John, I’m with In Touch Magazine. We currently have the pleasure of working with the amazing Winn Collier and found your blog through his suggestion to scope out “A Deeper Church.” Would you be keen on writing for us? Poetry and/or non-fiction? If so, please let me know here, and we’ll exchange emails via message. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi, Jamie. I’d love to submit some poetry to your magazine. Thank you for asking.
Most excellent! Please send me your email address at magazine AT
Linus… Chokes me up every time… ?❤
Don’t know why I’ve never clicked over here before this. It took a link at Emily Freeman’s place today to get me here. You are scary smart and creative, John. Just plain scary. (in a wonderful way)
Diana, I’m indebted to Emily for directing a few folks, including you, to this specific spot. Thanks for your words…and some days scary in the not-so-wonderful way too.
I’m here from Emily’s too, and just as she promised, am all weepy.
Nice to meet you, Linda…thank you for stopping by.
Just another “Emily” traveler also, and the first of the morning coffee just seeping in, after another sleepless night, and I find this….quietly amazed and humbled by the grace. Glad to have found you and look forward to more.
Hi, Judy. Yes, stop by again…
[…] Blase has the most unique About section in his blog, The Beautiful Due. he is exhibiting his fellow poets’ work in The […]
I found you through your sunflower field and I am glad. Kudos and blessings.
Such a poetic “About Me”. First one I’ve come a cross. I am now a fan. 🙂
John. I am windblown. Thanks for so many things. I was looking for more info about Brennan, and found you. His parting gift to me, I guess. (I didn’t know he left…on my birthday, no less!) Thank you for the 9/10/13 tribute to the unmet uncle. You already know me, I see.
Michael Olan Webb
John, after our meeting at the AFCW Conf., you asked me to send you my ms. Crooked Lines, but I don’t have your email. Can you email me: hjmichael at sbcglobal dot net so I can follow up? Thank you!
John, I have a special request and would like to email you. Would you be willing to email me at so I can email back the details? I’d really appreciate it.
Jamie Hughes from In Touch magazine here. The email address I had on file for you is coming up snake eyes. Is there a way you can send me another one? We had an idea we’d like to run by you. Thanks!
This has inspired me to write a different “about me” page – one more true. FYI and thanks.
Hello, TBD! Mike Morrell asked me to contact you because he really appreciates your blog and thinks you’d be an excellent candidate for his Speakeasy Blogger Network. Do you like to review off-the-beaten path faith, spirituality, and culture books? Speakeasy puts interesting books in your hands at no charge to you. You only get books when you request them, and it’s free to join. Sign up here, if you’d like:
Dear Mr. Blase,
I just discovered “The Beautiful Due,” and I love your writing. I look forward to more posts. Thank you for sharing your God-given gift with us.
(The Rev.) Charles Gilmore, Jr.
I’m here after reading a post by Sara, The Mundane Faithfulness. Loved your poetry. May I ask does it flow from your head to the paper, or must you do mining?
A little bit of both, Anne. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
I’m not an editor but I think you’re the cat’s pajamas.
Found this site via a poem on the Mundane Faithfulness blog. Very moving. Thank you for sharing your poems and heart.
I just want you to know that I have been following your blog for over a year now, and I love your writing so much. Your authentic and creative way to share your thoughts and feelings is so refreshing. Thank you so much.
Thanks so much for letting me know, Renee! Have a wonderful day.
How is it that I/we have in common what seemed to me to be two different sides of my own life. I’m happy and blessed to have introduced to you today and anxiously anticipating more God moments!
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m glad you stopped by!
[…] from John Blase, one of my favorite poets bar none, wanderer, father of […]
Thanks so very much!
I have been following your blog and poems for several years. They are so beautiful. Do you have anything published in a book? I’d love to purchase it.
Coming soon, Linda. I’ll let you know when and how to order. Thanks so much for your comment! ~ John
Seeing all of this makes me very happy for you my friend
John: I’m an admirer of your writing. Very much so. I’m recalling a poem of your with the line, “that’s just cruel” in it, and I can’t find it. If the poem spring to mind, with no sleuthing on your part, would you mind reminding me of the name.? If this is breaks the camels back of things to do, totally get it. No worries.
Just read your article IN TOUCH. The counted one, and it really hit home! You the man? Thanks be to God ,
and may He continue blessing you and yours!
My sweet new friends. I love this actually…truly.
PS I ran a yellow yesterday..tell me how to NOT slam on the brakes?
Love to your Family
I love your new site! Wondering if there’s a search option tab somewhere so I can find some of my John D. Blase favs quickly? Am I missing it?
Thanks for your help:)
Hoping that my giving my first name and email address below will cause a subscribing? Can’t tell if you do that. If I don’t hear back, I’ll just go to, in the future! Very intrigued by your understated voice. Already a reader of Winn’s… and am married to a clergy person (for a long time) so I live with a Big Picture… Presbyterian!
Don’t have a website or anything to sell or push…
Love the new site. Have followed Beautiful Due a long time. Will this come to me also? Have missed your voice in these times.
John,I came across your name and writings via my wife’s Our Daily Bread readings and subsequently bought and reviewed your Jubilee poetry book.I have posted poetry blogs on Poetry Soup for over a decade and like your permission to make a youtube audio clip of ‘The World’s Curves’ to use in one of these regular blogs.With love in Jesus.Brian
Brian, absolutely! Thanks so much. ~ John
Thanks John,here is the youtube clip link It will also feature on one of my December poetry blogs on PoetrySoup.Best wishes with your creative endeavours and early Christmas greetings to you and your family.-Brian Strand
And here is the PoetrySoup blog link
John, what a gift your words are. I don’t know how it was that I came across your work a few months ago but, oh, I’m glad I did. Thank you for sharing your gift. Your collection, Jubilee, is on the corner of my writing desk. Those verses, and your words on The Beautiful Due (which I shamelessly dig around in), speak to a deep place I had almost forgotten about.
John, I can’t remember reading another “about” page or bio that kept pulling me to the next line of words without a blinking eye between them. I enjoyed this list of questions so much, and I found myself tucked into some of them. I will keep coming back as long as you and “the beautiful due” are around. Your words definitely speak to me.
Thank you for your devotional in Our Daily Bread today. As a father of adult children, I am aware of my failings and aware that I will not always be close by to help. Psalm 121 is such an encouragement about our Heavenly Father who never slumbers or sleep.
I love your universe. It is soothing and inspiring. I found out about you from the hope*writers. I am on my own writing journey am listening to your podcast interview on the hope*writers website. Thankyou for sharing this lovely guidance and insights.
Hello John,
My wife and I really enjoyed your bit in Our Daily Bread in which you mention your preference for the King James version—we agree wholeheartedly!
In case you haven’t run across him, here is a link to a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan:
I think that Jordan is one of the best forces for good that is alive in the world today.
Brian Burns
You and your love of nouns were introduced to me through the Hope*Writers Tuesday Training videos. I just finished watching your interview with Emily P. Freeman. You have motivated this middle years woman to get busy and find my best nouns! So I did! Thanks! Your “About” page says a lot about who you are in a most refreshing way! You compel me to read your poetry and compose a line or two myself! Blessings!
Dear John,
Thank you for your poetry. A dear friend, now deceased, recommended your poetry to me and I have been reading your poems for a few years now.
I am an Anglican priest in Canada. As is often the case for many priests & pastors who preside & preach on Sundays, I am often a bit tired on Mondays. One of the ways I make the ascent from “The Arimathean Tomb” that is Monday morning is that I read poetry for about an hour or so. Your poems are often faithful “steps” in that ascent. Thank you for your work & your winsomeness.
Bless you.
Hi, Dean. A kind message to wake up to on a very cold, snowy Colorado morning. Thank you. I applaud your Monday poetry practice.
I’m almost certain I met you at Eugene’s funeral. I was there with Winn Collier, although I kept to the margins most of the time. It doesn’t seem like a year…
That’s right! I thought we had met there – but I couldn’t remember for sure. Thanks for the reminder. You may have guessed that it was Eugene who encouraged me to read your poetry!
Anyway, when you have a moment, I would be grateful to obtain your mailing address to send you a proper letter. You can just send your details to my parish email (St. Aidan) when it is convenient.
Otherwise, stay warm in Colorado! It is cool in Moose Jaw this morning too – it was about -20C (around -4 Fahrenheit, I think) when I awoke.
With much gratitude,
Lovely poetry. Lovely gift. Thank you for sharing these things.
Hi John. I just read today’s He Reads Truth on Jeremiah’s Land Purchase. Like you, Field of Dreams remains my favorite film, not just of the baseball genre but of all time (admittedly, all baseball films start ahead of all others). I greatly appreciate the connection to Jeremiah’s land purchase and thank you for bringing out that connection for me. I teach a Sunday school class at a small church in Kentucky and we are beginning a study of Jeremiah soon (at this writing that will happen when we begin meeting again following the coronavirus shut-down). This connection makes the book come alive for me even more and makes me still more eager to begin the study.
Thank you for the work you do. Prayers for you and your family and all those impacted by your writing.
Your words give life. thanks
I’ve looked several times, at the Daily Bread bio on you. You didn’t have much “gray” then, compared to the above photo. : ) The first time I read that bio, it was stated, “lives out West”. It makes me shudder sometimes, that a state in the very middle of our nation, is considered West in location. We here in North Idaho ( 50mi So of Canada) have often called my father-in-law’s home state of Minnesota, “back East”. Funny, to me that sounds plausible, yet is not much different than Colorado’s “East” location. I do well w/maps, so I recognize the true Eastern states, esp after meeting many fellows from there, in the U.S. Navy, (’69-’73). They, are truly “East”. The very term “out West”, says in my mind, Washington, ( to my West 7 mi ), Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Arizona,(where “real Western” movies were filmed), & Wyoming, (barely) : ) Just wanted to write you, esp after reading the bio on this page, I like how you think………some of us “see” the other side of things, & appreciate the contrast. And yes, it will be a sad day indeed, when they no longer show Charlie Brown’s Christmas. I watched it as a teen, for it’s 1st showing, & have loved watching it since then. I wasn’t a Christian then, but I had a faith from SS, a fine neighbor lady took me to. I made a firm commitment , Easter of ’86. Praise God! Keep On Brother………’re doin’ a fine job !!!
Came upon you by way of The Daily Bread from 5/16/2020. You had me from ‘Tell Me a Story’ & ‘Once upon a time.’ I too am a storyer who in this moment of my story has been prompted to send this along to you in this moment of your story to simply say, ‘Thanks’. Thanks for making yourself available to the Master Storyer to be used by Him in encouraging others in the living out of their stories. Your doing so has encouraged & affirmed this storyer in & to what in the core of my soul I believe to be true concerning the power of story to impact the story each of us is living & to my continuing to tell the ‘old, old Story’ as long as I draw breath in my story.
Let me close with a nugget He slipped into a passage I had read many, many times but saw new & afresh recently in reading it from Peterson’s The Message… ‘The disciples came up and asked, “Why do you tell stories?” Jesus replied, “…I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight…”’ (from Matthew 13:10-15)
Thanks for sharing your work with us. Makes my day to get a new post in my inbox.
Maybe one of your trips north of CS you can stop by Cristos Coffee in Erie. 3.5 miles west of exit 232 on I-25.
We would love to treat you to the best coffee you have EVER had and talk kingdom and writing. Anytime!
Out Daily Bread – November 1, 2020
Love your devotionals – especially the “Taco” story!
One complaint: Mt 10:42 – RSV has the proper grammar: “not lose his reward” instead of “lose their rewad.”
May I quote fron pages of your book “Touching Wonder” pp. 108-110 & 117-118 regarding Simeon & Anna’s reaction to Jesus being presented at the Temple (Luke 2:22-40). Because of COVID-19, my small rural NE Iowa Alice UMC congregation is not meeting in-person. My sermon for Jan 3rd, 2021 will be recorded and uploaded to their YouTube page.
Hi, Susan. Certainly you may. Thank you for asking. Grace for you as you prepare.
Hi John. I just read your comment in Our Daily Bread about the Big Thompson flood. I have lived in Colorado for about 10 years. I was raised on both coasts and lived overseas for many years before returning to the States in 2006.
For many years I was a 9/11 truth anti-war activist. Eventually I gave up my overt activism because it gained no traction with the American public, who are infatuated with redemptive violence and military valor. But I did write an anti-war poem called CONFESSIONS OF A CHRIST KILLER. If you email me I will be happy to send you a copy. You can also view it here:
Wishing you a Happy Healthy Holy and Hopeful New Year 2021,
Sincerely, Michael Korn
Thank you for the great message in today’s Our Daily Bread – When The Flood Comes (Luke 6:49). Your suggestion to “pause occasionally and do a little foundation assessment” is a good challenge to start the new year.
ALL IS GRACE – thanks for communicating God’s grace in such a clear, personal and powerful way!
Hello John,
I am writing to you because of a request from my 93year old Aunt.
She read your article in the Daily Bread regarding the Big Thompson flood.
My Uncle did some engineering work on the Big Thompson project and she simply would love to talk to you about that.
Would you be willing to give me a phone number for yourself that she could call and visit with you?
My name is Judy McWethy. My phone number is:
Thank you so much!
just want to say “prefer ache to closure” puts to words (and tears) my sorrow as I’ve struggled with the death of a dearly loved extraordinary 11 year old boy…I don’t want to get over him…thank you. I will be reading more of your writing.
Hi John, my name is Cindy. I have been reading through Abba’s Child by Brennan Manning for a while now and it has been life-changing. I live in the Dominican Republic and I know many people here, including my parents, who have desired to have access to understanding this book and are unable to because it is not in Spanish. Is there a copy available in Spanish? and if there isn’t, would there be a possibility that it could be? I am willing to help. Please let me know. It is important to me that other hearts and souls learn to let themselves be loved by their Abba as I have learned to practice through this book and getting to know myself. Thanks!
Hi, Cindy. Let me check on that. I’m surprised there’s not a Spanish version. I’ll get back to you soon.
I agree. That makes a change. All the best John.
John, I live in VB, Va. and enjoyed reading “the reason for writing” this morning .Are you new to Our Daily Bread? Linda Russell
Hi, Linda. Thank you. No, I’ve been writing for ODB a couple of years.
Hi John! I am curious if I could order more “The Bravest Thing” prints?
Reb, yes, send me a note at
Hi, John. Just read your Twitter thread about being with your mother in smallville Arkansas. That led me to your bio. You hooked me with your mention of Linus and “Lights, please.” Show it to my high school students every year hoping that it will make an impression on them some day. Looking forward to reading more. Be blessed – Rees
John, first, thanks for your writings and the way your mind works. Brilliant! Okay, having said that, you came to my aid just minutes ago. I was writing a post for my website, entitled “Small Minds” and there was your post! Such good examples of small mindedness. Not only that, but I had just listened to the Youtube of Paul Harvey quoting God and suddenly my own small mind was boggled! Rich resources for thinking good stuff.
Well, the post got written, used a couple of your good examples and a quote or two from God (figured it could’t hurt), and I’l post it soon. Thanks again, and God bless.
Stan Escott
Hi John,
I’m interested in adapting your book “Touching Wonder” into a stage play for Christmas. I’m curious if that has been done already. Would it be possible to speak to you about this and how to obtain permission to use your book on stage?
Hi, Karen. You can send me a note at, happy to talk w/you.
Hi, John. My name is Gary Schneider. I am a Christian and former rock band musician. I have now been playing in praise and worship bands and nursing homes for a good thirty years. Since retiring, I developed a passion for book writing. I now have a murder/mystery series (6 books) that is completely Christian and family friendly. Although murder may be the theme, my books are loaded with humor. I am a huge fan of Get Smart, Columbo, and the like. I am looking for a literary agent for the purpose of procuring a publishing deal. I would prefer to work with a Christian. If this sounds interesting to you, I would love to send you the synopses of these books and/or samples of chapters. If not, is there someone you know who might be interested in this very genre? Remember: Mystery loves company. 🙂
Thank you and God bless.
I have found a great alternative to Amazon and it supports the joy of literacy around the world
What’s no to like !
Love the ‘serendipity’ that enabled me to find your lovely website, John.
(Through an online study friend talking about ‘Lectio Divina’)
john carvosso
Hello, my name is Tim Luetzow and my Mom’s maiden name was Blase and her family was from Woodville Ohio and came from Brakhausen Germany sometime around 1845. Just curious if you know your lineage.
Hello, my name is Sandi Oliverio. I had a wonderful therapist for a number of years, named John Blase. He since, passed away at a young age and I have
been very lost without his support.
How I opened my laptop to your page today, I do not know. Perhaps our Heavenly Father sent me here?
I love your Bio, and feel I can relate in many ways. I am an artist and a writer and believe often creative people share very similar feelings and
attitudes on life. Thank goodness there is that comradery, to turn to when the world seems dark and lonely.
I’ll be stopping to visit again.
I’m not sure how I lost touch but I would love to again receive your poetry. I appreciated it for years but somehow got disconnected. Thank you.