thoughts at 3:12am…

A friend told me Klout has me pegged
as an influencer on puppies and poetry.
I honestly don’t know what this means.
Incestuous holding pens of mediocrity =
online writing groups that constantly link
to each other’s shoddy written blog posts. 
My father said my great-great grandmother
(part Native American) sat in a wheelchair
covered in quilts hardly ever saying a word.
Be very careful tooting your own horn as a poet.
Poetry may very well help you get behind,
and turn you inside out without warning.
The phrase ‘ageless male’ makes me want to puke.
Our cultural disdain for aging is an insidious 
contagion rivaled only by our inability to be still.
Amazon informed me that Harrison’s new novel
shipped yesterday. Reviews hail The Great Leader
as ‘enjoyable’, ‘randy’, while ‘also slightly shambolic.’
I confess my unease around people who seem to have
an erotic relationship with Jesus. If my wife starts up
with that kinda talk I might very well be up the creek. 
That much of life seems to be a blind date feels true to me.
Yesterday was o.k. but I don’t know I’d ask her out again.
I’m hoping today is surprising in her shape and smile.

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  1. nance marie on September 28, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    you get a bit grumpy at 3:00 am
    best you get some sleep
    before the horn toots

    • thebeautifuldue on September 28, 2011 at 3:23 pm

      3am does make me grumpy, but so do some of those thoughts…I’ll try and get some rest.

  2. Tara Owens on September 28, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Incestuous holding pens of mediocrity =
    online writing groups that constantly link
    to each other’s shoddy written blog posts.

    * * *
    Ouch. And well played.

    • thebeautifuldue on September 28, 2011 at 3:25 pm

      Tara, I’m just calling that one like I see it…thanks for stopping by.

  3. Carolyn on September 28, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    1. Influencing puppies is important. If you could come influence my puppies into learning to use the doggie door, I would be appreciative.
    2. Would you please come read my blog posts and tell me if they are shoddy or not so that I won’t start an incestuous online relationship? That truly scares me.
    3. I suppose I am blessed to not have ever been exposed to someone who has an erotic relationship with Jesus. I suspect that would make me very uncomfortable.
    4. I used to go out on repeat dates with certain days, but I got really behind on everything.

  4. thebeautifuldue on September 28, 2011 at 7:15 pm

    Carolyn, oddly enough I cannot even influence my own puppy who scarfed down an entire loaf of pumpkin bread this morning that happened to be too close to the counter’s edge. Don’t worry about being shoddy…you’re okay. I do get riled at these little clusters of writers who do nothing but link to each other all day and then the writing just isn’t that good.

    You made me smile. Thanks!

  5. James Smith on October 2, 2011 at 11:01 pm

    Don’t know that its the aging we disdain… or the looming prospect of “despair”?

    • thebeautifuldue on October 3, 2011 at 1:25 am

      James, its a muddy puddle…a brave, fierce bunch of grey-hairs is hard to find…when the young look at what awaits them, I believe they feel disdain/despair…

  6. Mick Silva on October 4, 2011 at 8:45 pm

    I want to stay here a while. Love what you see at 3 am. Please keep sharing.

    Looking forward to lunch again sometime.

    • thebeautifuldue on October 4, 2011 at 8:54 pm

      Lunch sounds good, Mick…here’s to sometime.

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