the way others walk…

If today hadn’t come then obviously 
yesterday would’ve been it, so to speak.
Had that been the case some would
wag and swear it all ended meager –
fence unmended, thank-you unwritten,
bill unpaid, corner untucked.
But there would be others,
those appreciative of horizons,
who’d empty their pockets of abundance –
crimson leaves from the maple in the yard, 
pumpkin seeds dried and saved to roast,
coffee receipt scribbled with a poem’s first line,
wheat penny gleaned from a crack in the walk,
and fortune rent from yesterday’s cookie:
Tomorrow is coming.

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  1. Sam on October 23, 2011 at 4:57 pm

    Nice, very nice! I’ve been enjoying the food you prepare here John. Thanks!

  2. Gretchen on October 23, 2011 at 9:09 pm

    Warm & satisfying. Hope for tomorrow.

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