
He’d heard Stevie sing about how she’d
been afraid of changing
a thousand times but this time felt seminal, like
the moment the thorn enters the skin.
He too had lived the fear in that line at having
built my life around you –
the tall dark friend of childhood, the savior with the sheep on his
shoulders walking beside still waters.
But there was something true about getting older, that
time makes you bolder.
So he gambled a benediction over his skeleton of myth and
licked his lips in anticipation of new wine.
No one in traffic that day would have reported seeing
the landslide.
The changes in our lives are quiet, like children growing
and radio waves that sway in the snow covered hills.

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  1. cinde on March 15, 2012 at 4:19 pm

    that is lovely. thank you for sharing your gift…

    • thebeautifuldue on March 17, 2012 at 12:32 pm

      Cinde, thank you, and thanks for stopping by…

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