the sunday before I turned forty-five…
The Sunday before I turned
forty-five the wind blew at
estimated speeds of 45mph
which were antithetical to
afternoon napping and not
being able to sleep I recalled
the morning sermon took
flight from the 4th gospel
the 5th chapter where Jesus
cavalierly said don’t spend so
much time reading the book
because I’m not there, which
I confess felt the blessed-booyah
because I’ve been sorta lax in
the daily office, a peccadillic
seed no doubt planted years
ago in my vinyl grooves by The
Commodore’s spinning ‘Easy
Like Sunday Morning’ at 45rpm.

such a fun write… =) You bring smiles.
Thanks, Patricia!
I’m a numbers person (I love patterns and ways that math reflects God — for Pi Day I wrote — I love the 45’s, 4’s, and 5’s! Happy Birthday.
Amy, I’m not a numbers person so when it happens its out of the ordinary. Thank you for the bday wish, and for stopping by…
Hey, I turn 45 this month too!!! Happy birthday! (And the wind was somethin’, wasn’t it?)
Thanks, Lisa…how’d we get to be 45?? A happy bday to you as well!
I love the picture of the red-topped barn and old wooden corral and green grass…Happy Birthday, “My Beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased”.
Thanks, Dad…I thought you’d like that picture…and thank you for believing in me, it means more than you’ll ever know.
I love the pace of this. It’s really really nice.