the idea of the holy…

I wrote once that I held the love between a man and a woman to be the holiest damn thing this side of the shore. I stand by those words. I realize there are a host of love expressions these days. But for me not to honor the one I have chosen is to diminish my side of the story; in other words, myself. I will not do that. My intent is not to be judgmental in saying that but to be fierce, maybe even brave. Yes, I believe the love between a man and a woman is the holiest damn thing this side of Jordan. And when I use the word holy I’m not speaking of moral piffle but rather that which has the power to undo you and then put you back together again, only to be undone once more.

Suddenly animated she savored each word: Dieu est trés fin.
Please say it again, one more time.
Dieu est trés fin. It’s the sentence I’ve lived by.
God is very – very fine?
Oui. God is very fine, very elegant, very slender,
very exquisite. 
Then silence, the dueler’s gaze between them,
both locked but neither with intent to harm.
She fired first, stroking his cheek, her touch at
once familiar and arcane. She turned unashamed
toward the wall to sleep, her bared back in the 
half light trés fin.
He shuddered at the thought of her other
tongues, the ones he’d never heard even
after all their married years.
To love only one woman is more than enough.
It is to daily approach the mysterium.
Oui, one must tremble.

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  1. sethhaines on March 27, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    “And when I use the word holy I’m not speaking of moral piffle but rather that which has the power to undo you and then put you back together again, only to be undone once more.”

    Great setup and even better delivery.

    When I type comments on my phone, my autocorrect changes your last name to Blasé. Far from it, John.

    • thebeautifuldue on March 28, 2012 at 4:23 am

      Thanks for the comment, Seth…I’ve sensed your marriage to Amber hints at that kind of holy…

  2. Diana Trautwein on March 29, 2012 at 4:44 am

    gorgeous, gorgeous. thank you.

    • thebeautifuldue on March 29, 2012 at 11:40 am

      You’re welcome, Diana…thank you so much for stopping by.

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