
My father provided…my luxurious hopes had fallen to me from him.  
– John Updike, The Centaur
My father was a Baptist preacher, one not 
usually for show as pride cometh before a great
fall. But there were moments when he realized 
luxurious hopes.
It had been driven only for a season by the dealer’s 
mother, a fastidious matron by the name of Coker.
God it was something – a four-door Buick Electra 
whiter than snow with plush interior the scarlet of
Christ’s blood, power windows and locks plus an 
AM/FM 8-track player with complimentary The
Sound Around You demo tape filled with the songs
of that time, our time: Roberta Flack’s Killing Me
Softly and Seals & Croft’s Summer Breeze. 
No doubt there were scoffers but for the most part 
it seemed his flock was pleased their shepherd drove
around in high cotton. My father bled for that east
Texas congregation, providing them with faith, hope,
and love. But the greatest of these – hope – he let fall
to me. God he was something.

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  1. mike graves on June 14, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    Man, he IS something, John, we
    love your mom and dad

  2. gretchen on June 14, 2012 at 2:06 pm

    What a tribute. Happy Father’s Day to your dad–and to you.

  3. Diana Trautwein on June 14, 2012 at 4:52 pm

    Oh, my. I love this story…and, of course, the way you tell it. My dad was not a Baptist preacher, but a statistics teacher and college counselor. And one year, he got a great deal on a new Buick, you remember the ones with fins?? Only problem…its color was Lido Lavender. We drove that thing for years and it never, ever faded. No, it did not.

  4. genesmith12 on June 14, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Good stuff John. My dad is a Baptist minister too.

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