The Trip from Here

If I oust you out of the driver’s seat
so you have to sit in the back of the bus
and now I get to drive then yes,
something has changed but the
saner question is are we better off?
An alien looking in might think
there’s just been an exchange of eyes,
and they might be right.
What if we all got off the bus and
found a new vehicle to take us where we
want to go, something like our own
sturdy feet whereby we could walk or skip
or run side by side and do our happy work?
This doesn’t mean we’d always be
in step or sync or anything yokey like that
but rather that the trip from here
might be more just. Just think about it.
It may be a hairbrained idea.

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  1. Patricia Hunter on January 13, 2015 at 2:11 pm

    That preaches, John. Thank you.

  2. mike graves on January 13, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Ive wondered how we could ever possibly discuss racism rationally,
    John,youre pretty deep for an East Texas boy.

  3. pastordt on January 13, 2015 at 5:45 pm

    ‘an exchange of eyes’ – and then exchanging the dang bus for our own feet. Yeah, that will definitely preach. Even if it is a harebrained idea.

  4. Rachel on January 13, 2015 at 5:45 pm

    Thoughtful and beautifully stated for such a complex problem we’ve been chasing for so long.

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