Love Poem No.23

     While this gladly refers to the
friction of our bodies on one another
     it also points to a more magical union
listed under the heading: Mystery.
     Because we’re one we share everything,
maybe not completely but in part.
     Like if you’re happy, I am sort of too. And when
I’m angry, so are you, if only just a bit.
     This doesn’t mean we’ve lost our individual
selves but rather found one plus one can equal one.
     So if you get cancer one of these days
rest assured I’ll have traces of cancer too.
     Medical tests won’t reveal this because
such things are not designed to show the soul.
     And if I should slip into dementia then
since we’re one I just bet you’ll misplace
     a few thoughts here and there as well.
I apologize in advance if that last example
     should befall us. If so, please tell me the
stories about the two of us because
     they could remind me who I really am.

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  1. Jewels on February 12, 2015 at 3:44 am

    Oh…the last bit is so especially dear. Lovely, John.

  2. mike graves on February 12, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    hey john,i plan to keep this one for further review.I pray daily for my marriage.Our community is currently experiencing another wave of divorces .Makes me sick,and i dont know what to do except ask God to help.

  3. Michele Morin on February 12, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    Sweet and sad. It reminds me of C.S. Lewis and Joy sharing the pain of her cancer in her last days. Who knows how that happened? I think you’re onto it.

  4. pastordt on February 13, 2015 at 5:48 am

    I say this to my mom almost every time we’re together, “It’s okay, Mom, I’ll be your memory today.” And I tell her the stories that I know. Gotta say though, that this dementia stuff is tough, tough. As always, thank you for your insights and your amazing way with words.

  5. miscellanea | Framed by Bethany on March 14, 2015 at 9:50 pm

    […] of John Blase keeps my hopeful, and I particularly love his Love Poems, which he writes to his […]

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