In A Word

Struggling toward ambiguous
ends, our lives plaided with exposure
then sanctuary (the pattern of survival)
we script hoity vision statements that 
toity company walls but have no
desire on their bones so we stay starved
searching half-awkward half-willing
tentative to simply come out and
say what it is we all want: a people,
a place, a peace. In a word – home.

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  1. pastordt on April 23, 2016 at 3:30 pm

    And there it is. Exactly.

  2. jodyo70 on April 23, 2016 at 4:47 pm

    ‘hoity’ and ‘toity’–applies to academia as well. I’ve been ensconced in education for 25 years and am baffled at the verbage thrown at mission statements regarding children and teaching. Can’t we just say “pay attention to the kids and and give them what they need”?
    Your words resonate. Again. Thank you.

  3. between worlds on April 26, 2016 at 1:41 pm

    Your words hit straight to the heart. Waiting eagerly for an actual book of them! Any chance one is on the horizon?

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