In This Night Of Our Age

Teensy little girl in a shopping cart pushed
by her boy-cheeks father at speeds exceeding
those posted at the grocery store, we heard her
delighted squeals aisles before seeing them.
As the rest of us slugged along weighted
down with items on our lists they lapped
us carting nothing but themselves and joy.
We shopped in this night of our age while they
sped on consuming life, and we gave them
safe passage, cheering Go! Go! Go! Go!

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  1. Christine Perica on July 18, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    You painted a great picture with these words!

  2. jane r williams on July 21, 2016 at 5:54 am

    I always know where to come when I need the freshness of hope, and lessons on wondering, hmmm, or is it wandering. No matter, this is all to say: thank you for your words.

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