And All For What?

The inglorious angels speak of
Incarnation as The Great Betrayal –
the breaking of every existent code
and convention of divinity, an
infidelity if there ever was one.
In touching the young Jewish girl
God’s reputable chastity fell scarlet.
The contact with Mary’s waiting flesh
sowed the seed for God’s new electric skin.
He then grew alive to every breeze,
sensitive to the appearances of the moon,
bent to give and to offer but just as
temptable to taking, and the longing.
And all that loss of position for what?
The oldest excuse in the world: Love.

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  1. Becky on December 2, 2016 at 2:07 pm

    Thank you for sharing these words this morning! Such a critical reminder in the midst of getting my little people off to school and settled into their morning routines. It can make me numb to the mystery of this season!

  2. pastordt on December 2, 2016 at 6:49 pm

    Ah, yes. The oldest excuse in any book. Thank you, John.

  3. Simply Darlene on December 2, 2016 at 10:09 pm

    As always, thanks for sharing such truthBeauty.

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