
Did you hear the latest from Trump?


Well whatabout Obama?—

Whatabout Clinton?—

Whatabout Bush?—

Whatabout Reagan?—

And whatabout that Jack Kennedy?—


Round and round we go naming

each bead of the human rosary,

each bead once more removed from now.

Never giving ourselves over to our life

we forfeit the only instant we own.


Well whatabout Abel?—

Am I my brother’s keeper?


Before the earth was barely old

the Angelus bell rang God’s answer.

Cain paused, pierced by the truth:

Yes, that we may be made worthy

of the promises of Christ. Amen.

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  1. Sarah on November 24, 2019 at 8:08 am

    I love your writing John. And especially in this piece the lines, “Never giving ourselves over to our life
    we forfeit the only instant we own.” So true. Am still plumbing the depths of the last two lines!

  2. Katiewilda@aol.com on November 24, 2019 at 9:48 am

    I’m really enjoying your poems. You soon magic with them. Especially the one before this.

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