Is That What You’re In The Mood To Do?

I asked the angel if I should be reading

my Bible every day, if I’m to be disciplined

in eating the words of God and His authors.

I don’t know much about angels but my

gut told me the angel was miffed by my

question but nevertheless sang out

Is that what you’re in the mood to do?

I have learned this much about angels. They

sing every chance they get, even if miffed.


I answered the angel a bit of Bible goes a long

way with me, that I’d rather spend most of

my remaining time penning poems and

short stories and the occasional long essay

about everything from the slinky cat that naps

along the top of our back fence to the way my

nephews say Bye, Uncle John as they hug my

knees farewell when holidays are sadly over.

My gut told me the angel hovered lighter now,


unburdened of miff. The angel then began

to sing for the beauty of the earth and sky and

hours and the joys of human love. Suddenly

the same sky the angel sang of was split by a V

of geese honking a rather bluesy January tune.

I first thought their song swallowed the angel’s

but then I realized same song, different angels.

The LORD moodeth me to write of pastures green

and waters still, and mild and gentle thoughts.



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  1. Melanye Wrighton on January 8, 2020 at 7:11 am

    Oh how I love the way words form in you…and how you share them with us! Exquisite!

  2. Rich on January 8, 2020 at 7:37 am

    Those danged geese will get you every time!

  3. Sarah Sansbury on January 8, 2020 at 8:05 am

    Love this piece, really enjoying the miffed singing angel and honky-tonk geese! I always find your work do inspirational, surprising and mind-stretching. Thank you.

  4. Diana Trautwein on January 8, 2020 at 9:19 am

    Mood as a verb! Only you, John. Only you. Love this. A lot. Thank you.

  5. Jacky on January 8, 2020 at 7:00 pm

    Just yesterday I was wondering when in 2020 I’d find John Blase again, showing up in my email, speaking of his truth, challenging my perspective. And here you are, so freshly and tangibly, calling me to attend to the countless delightful displays of Gods Word in the world…uniquely to me, to you, to us. Thank you, John!

  6. Sherrey Meyer on January 8, 2020 at 7:46 pm

    John Blase, what beautiful way to bring my mind and heart into beginning to write again. I’ve been off for about four years due to an injury, and I’ve been cogitating on when to return. You’ve given me the perfect idea–watching God’s world I should be able to find words in the sky, flying on a wing, or just listening for the miffed angels. Love this, love this so much! Thank you!

  7. Tess on January 9, 2020 at 12:43 pm

    Lovely. Thank you.

  8. Amy Sorrells on February 3, 2020 at 6:13 pm

    Lovely. Wrote a poem about the V of geese today on my blog
    too. Something about an arrow, I suppose.

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