Enough’s Enough

The yard man cometh today to blow-out

the sprinklers, his compressor loud enough

to wake the dead. His violent hymn means

enough—enough of the watering, enough

of the rising twice-a-day-three-days-a-week

to keep the grass green, enough of the mowing,

enough of the paying the godawful water bill.

Yet for everything there is a time, a time to say

Uncle, uncle. We give up. Enough’s enough.

Autumn, that flirt, will tease in her usual hues

then quickly croon Softly I will leave you softly

one night all too soon while we’re sleeping leaving

us there to wake cold in the stare of winter’s eye.

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  1. Dianne Couts on October 5, 2020 at 8:28 am

    Sights and sounds of the mundane woven together with a song to create a masterpiece. I love it, every line.

  2. Johanna on October 6, 2020 at 8:38 pm

    You sound very depressed to me. Much like most of our country and myself too. Awaiting yet another hurricane in Louisiana. Dear Lord when will it ever end? Longing for a different time.

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