On The Off Chance

The sun hits the frost on my neighbor’s roof

revealing a field of jewels instead of shingles.

Of course, one must take the time to see such

rich scenes, scenes that won’t stay. The same

revealing sun is the stealing sun, melting them

away once again before I finish my cup of coffee.

Bread sings “Baby I’m-A Want You” on the AM

station I listen to as I sit and think the thoughts

53yr old men think first thing in the morning—

one being variations on a theme of “-A Want You.”

Now maybe you’d rather not know, but on the off

chance you’re curious, know that older men, like

younger men, wake many mornings lusty, with

eyes peeled for glints of jewels or even curves

of flesh as we remember coming to our senses

at jr. high school dances as girls swayed to Bread.

Most mornings the sun quickly swallows such scenes

away, so we tune in to the decadent piñon in our

coffee, still lusty yet tempered slightly, olderish.


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  1. Alice Scott-Ferguson on November 11, 2020 at 9:06 am

    Adore! Fearless bard of all things breathless with wonder, want and where few tread!!!

  2. Larry on November 11, 2020 at 9:39 am


  3. Jody Collins on November 11, 2020 at 9:45 am

    “Olderish.” Well captured, John.

    • Michele on November 11, 2020 at 10:04 am

      Yes, I’m finding that the 50’s is the decade of “olderish.”

      • Sherrey on November 11, 2020 at 2:33 pm

        Michele and Jody, if you think the 50’s is the decade of “olderish,” just wait until you reach the 70’s!!!

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