Fine, Ride On Then

C’mon. Don’t do it again, Lord. Please.

This whole passiony affair, this week-long

dioramatic train wreck labeled holy (but is it?).

We’re shell-shocked right now, knee-deep in

death and loss and so much sad. Adding yours

to the evening news, even though we know

the Paul Harvey…please, can we just skip it?


I know, I know. I’m not the boss of you.

You’re gonna do what you’re gonna do—

wrap your legs ‘round that velvet eeyore and

strap your hands ‘cross love’s engine and…

‘cause Jesus you were born to die which

sounds so spiritual, so holy (but is it really?).

The Son of Man must suffer. Okay, you win.


I still believe. But I’m gonna bring up the rear

this year. No palms for me. And I may punch

the first chirpy that says “But Sunday’s comin!”

That line sells well on decorative pillows hawked

on Etsy pages, but it offers no balm in the valley.

I’ll be praying for you this week, Lord. It’s terrible.

But—the Magnificent Defeat? Fine, ride on then.



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  1. Gwen Acres on March 28, 2021 at 10:28 am

    Struggling with that father-son scenario. Can we have the love without the blood…

    Your heart is heavy as so many are with Covid death. May the love of two fathers be your comfort.

  2. judy tindle burke on March 28, 2021 at 10:48 am

    I pray what I am going to write will give you some comfort as I have been looking for some peace with all that is going on and I found the following from David and would you take a look at the date he gave this Sermon? March 24th, 2019 Grieving and How God can Bless a Broken Heart! It does not take away the pain but to hear his voice and his words brings tears and some comfort. as I hope it does to you with time. Feel so blessed am able to go back and hear his messages on topics . Prayers are daily for all of your family and Anna is so blessed to have all of you to help her walk through this time too.

    • Lindsay Van Sicklen on March 29, 2021 at 7:15 am

      Where is the link to his sermons?

      • judy tindle burke on March 29, 2021 at 9:11 pm

        The world is not the same for everyone but God cares for all and The Sermon Cousin David gave that day I have played 4 times in it he states
        do not rush grief and to mourn we all should and we as a church member should give support to our members and the community . David speaks of John David and Anna in that service and I would pray it would give him some peace in time to listen to how his Dad gave his church Family words to heal by and what will never be alright and it is not suppose to be but praise God we will all be together again. Again I meant no harm as in the service for David, John stated he could barely remember any of his Dad’s sermons try as he might – – With time he may find comfort in this message. David was a Shane without a six shooter and a heart of Gold and Jesus with words of wisdom for all as many westerns have a message – Am sorry if I offended you or any family member . Peace

        • John Blase on March 30, 2021 at 7:08 am

          Judy, you’ve offended no one, certainly not me. I appreciate your comments, and the fact that your reading my ramblings in the first place.

          • judy tindle burke on March 30, 2021 at 11:24 am

            Oh thank you certainly did not intend to except to give you a reference when you feel up to it that might help and that it was done in March just really hit home for me. The Tindle and Blase grew up together and in later years sorry to say mostly at funerals but family is family and Anna and David were there for us. Hope your Mom ‘s shoulder is doing better and as David said grief is for ever and we are to mourn at least not rush to try and put it behind us. Peace to all of you this Blessed Easter Season and forever.

  3. Gretchen on March 28, 2021 at 11:31 am

    Thank you for always showing that although God’s love is quite real and complete, down on this rock, life can suck—and what we know to be true doesn’t always feel real and complete. No platitudes. No bumper sticker theology. Just sitting in the tension between home and Home—being sad, mad and loving God anyway.

  4. alice scott-ferguson on March 29, 2021 at 9:33 am


  5. Karen Stoller on March 29, 2021 at 12:06 pm

    I’ll be praying for you this week John. May your memories bring you peace.

  6. Jacky on March 29, 2021 at 11:30 pm

    Hard hard stuff, John. Keep it comin… Some of us cannot find words of our own.

  7. Cynthia Herron on March 31, 2021 at 2:00 pm

    I’m walking the valley, too, so anything remotely adequate escapes me, but I join in your grief. May God hold you and your family close.

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