Small Gods

The one-eyed poet saw the world awash

in small gods—everything from stink bugs

and hollyhocks to forest creeks and girls

in green bathing suits. Lord what a vision.

To consider loons as small gods would

be a stretch for most two-eyed people.

And to float the idea that we consider,

even refer to, one another as small gods?

Cries of blasphemy, blasphemy would

ring from the peaks of slippery slopes

as the blind clutched their children close

and grabbed blank bibles in search of

chapter and verse, or at least a footnote.

Believing people to be small gods could

lead one God knows where. One might

consider, dare see, that black gods matter.


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  1. Kay Hanevik on April 17, 2021 at 10:59 am

    Ah, the beauty of “wonder’!

  2. Annie B on April 17, 2021 at 11:06 am


  3. Dianne Darr Couts on April 17, 2021 at 11:55 am

    It takes two eyes to see each other as neither hopelessly fallen nor as little gods. In my view, 20/20 doesn’t happen until we close each eye, one at a time, and look carefully at what that lens sees without the other.

  4. JUDY BURKE on April 17, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    I am taking a step out in faith that what I heard at DeWitt’s funeral service was a moving thought – – – as the minister stated oh so true statements about DeITT AND Brother David They both raised such outstanding families and now it is passed down to the oldest to take over hard as it will be but be faithful to all both , of what you were taught what . It will not be easy but look at your mentors Christ Jesus and your Dad’s. Am praying as one of you have a harder day the other of you will be there to share your feelings and how to comfort not only those around you but EACH OTHER! God Bless each of you and your families. Never forgetting you have Strong Wives and siblings to help you with all these changes!

  5. Barbara H on April 21, 2021 at 8:38 am

    Profound! Thank you!

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