On The Off Chance

The sun hits the frost on my neighbor’s roof revealing a field of jewels instead of shingles. Of course, one must take the time to see such rich scenes, scenes that won’t stay. The same revealing sun is the stealing sun, melting them away once again before I finish my cup of coffee. Bread sings…

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Saving Me and God

I hear much these days about the God who is present, the God who is there. This is always presented as an advanced spirituality, one that has transcended the God who rescues, the God who saves. Basically, if my car careens off into the snowbank, God may not send a tow truck to rescue me…

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Vox Clamantis in Suburbia

“There was a part of her she hadn’t yet allowed to be born because it was too beautiful for this place, that was true.” —Denis Johnson, Jesus’ Son Our favorite local weather personality’s first name is Merry, like Merry Christmas! Kudos to her parents for that. Merry told us this wind would blow in this…

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Enough’s Enough

The yard man cometh today to blow-out the sprinklers, his compressor loud enough to wake the dead. His violent hymn means enough—enough of the watering, enough of the rising twice-a-day-three-days-a-week to keep the grass green, enough of the mowing, enough of the paying the godawful water bill. Yet for everything there is a time, a…

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His Cousin’s Keeper

“You’re a piece of work, Bryan.” That’s what Tom said after Bryan announced plans for his new podcast: For Such a Time as This. Bryan had been born again again about two years ago and ever since had increased in zealousy for Jesus to the point where he was losing friends and winning enemies—not Jesus…

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You Lucky Thing You

The odds against being born are astronomical. So the thing then is to rejoice if you’ve had the good fortune to be born. And again I say rejoice. After you’re born though, that’s when the living really starts and god knows living’s not for sissies. You can be gentle with yourself when the night grows…

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I’ve started talking to birds. They talk back, and I think I’m getting better at translating their tongue. Of course it could be like prayer—just talking in my head and then answering myself, no notion really if what I think God is saying to me in response is actually what God is saying. We make…

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The Stars’ Ways

Once a time upon a dawn the stars decided to forego their routine shining in favor of glistering. I say this with some measure of authority for I was there that morning the stars danced as if they were the very eyes of God probing, searching, ranging to and fro. Why such celestial strutting, you…

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How To Draw A Dolphin

One wonders how would I draw a dolphin if I had to? until that day the complimentary bookmark in your library book slips out and you notice it reads How To Draw a Dolphin. You flip it over and find yourself stunned for there they are—five squiggle sequences leading from the rather embryonic to the…

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The Masculine Diaries Day 4

He eased open the sliding glass door leading outside to his back stoop, stepped out, sat down, and breathed in the gathering dusk. He looked down at his calves, certainly not the cannonballers he’d dreamed of long ago. He’d actually looked into calf implants while at college, not seriously but curiously. That was a time…

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